The One-Stop location for

Real Estate Education

and Networking!


Everywhere I go people want to know how they can break into Real Estate Investing with little or no money.  I can understand why when I see very expensive programs available on the internet provided by all kinds of experts and coaches.

While there are real estate deal structures where the investor actually puts zero upfront cash into the investment, you would have to make an investment of your time to learn how to do the deal. Plus, on your first deal or two you may have to partner with a more experienced investor until you have learned the ropes.

The K.E.Y. to becoming a successful real estate investor is to Keep Educating Yourself. Start educating yourself by joining our Network Membership and getting access to the many basic business and investment courses – FREE! Yes, we do have some more advanced courses that require an additional payment, but you will find a great list of FREE current and upcoming courses for you to get started.

Learn the “ins and outs” of Short-Term Rentals

Don’t worry, you don’t have to clean toilets or wash dishes between tenants or even visit the houses. Your Team works for you!

It’s all done for you when you learn how in this Short-Term Rental Mastery system. That’s why I call it the perfect home-based business.

If you’re thinking the houses have to be in a tourist town, think again. They can be anywhere, including where you live and they don’t need to be expensive or fancy.

Even motor homes, mobile homes, and boats are being rented as SHORT TERM RENTALS. Go to and see for yourself. You can even rent a spare room in your house.

We are always adding NEW Content.

Check out our New Basic Accounting Course. FREE, with Networking Membership.

New courses coming soon – THIS YEAR!

  • Basic Contracts – FREE
  • Cost Estimating – FREE
  • Property Value Determination – FREE
  • Basic Spreadsheet Development – FREE
  • Construction Project Management – FREE
  • Document Control – FREE
  • Business Communications – FREE
  • The Infinite Bank Account – FREE
  • and MORE!


Getting a good education is critical to the successful operation of any business. But you don’t have to go to an Ivy League College to get the education you need. You can get all the education you need by learning the basics of business from other people. That could be in the form of coursework and it could be in the form of communicating with others about their experience. That is where Networking comes in.

In our Networking Platform you can ask questions for the many people in our group to answer. Join any Forum that interests you, or any group that you might relate to. When you engage others in our Investor Family, you WILL get feedback. You’ll very likely get input from our Owners on their experiences with similar situations.

Be on the lookout for the rollout of our new smartphone app for your networking, courses, and all things Real Estate Investing!

See you on the inside!