NREIS Zoom Calls

September 13, 2023 Zoom Call
August 30, 2023 Zoom Call
August 16, 2023 Zoom Call
August 2, 2023 Zoom Call
July 19, 2023 Zoom Call
July 5, 2023 Zoom Call
June 21, 2023 Zoom Call
June 12, 2023 Zoom Call
May 24, 2023 Zoom Call
May 10, 2023 Zoom Call
May 1, 2023 Zoom Call

April 12, 2023 Zoom Call
March 30, 2023 Zoom Call

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March 17, 2023 Orientation Call
March 15, 2023 Zoom

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February 28, 2023 Zoom
February 15, 2023 Zoom

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February 1, 2023 Zoom
January 21, 2023 Zoom

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January 4, 2023 Zoom

The January 4, 2023 zoom had a lot of Q&As as well as a few live seller calls.

December 21, 2022 Zoom

The December 21 zoom call covered methods to find and also a few actual current potential deals.

Lead Generation Notes

December 7, 2022 Zoom

The December 7 zoom call covered finding great leads for buying real estate.

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November 28, 2022 Zoom

Orientation Call for National Real Estate Investors Society

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